Created on 28 Oct. 2011 09:02:46 AM

Egypt’s political forces are calling for citizens to hit the streets in force this Friday to protest against the
military council's handling of Egypt and bias in favour of counter-revolutionary forces
A statement released today by ten political parties and movements urges Egyptians to return
to the epicentre of the Egyptian revolution, Tahrir Square, on Friday, 28 October, to protest against the ruling military
council’s handling of the country.
The joint statement identifies what they call "the crimes committed by the military council against the Egyptian people,
from transferring civilians for military trials, to forcibly ending workers’ protests, repressing student movements
calling for the purging of universities, slaughtering Copts in cold blood during the Maspero clashes and permitting remnants
of the National Democratic Party to run in the upcoming elections without punishing them for what they did to destroy Egyptian
public life."
All these incidents, the statement says, demonstrate the military council’s “bias in favour of the members
of the old regime and its blatant hostility towards the revolution.”
The group call on protesters to head to Tahrir Square after Friday prayers as has been the custom since the 18-day uprising
that ousted Hosni Mubark from power.
They also plan a march later in the day at 4pm from the Omar Makram Mosque in the square to the state TV building in Maspero
to demand that all those who participated in the killing of Coptic Christians during the clashes of 9 October are brought
to justice.
“It is time we go back to the street to fight for the revolution with all power we have,” the group add. “Justice
and freedom are not impossible demands and we will only achieve them by uniting and persisting to struggle for the continuation
of the revolution. Victory for the revolution, glory to the martyrs," the statement ends.
The statement was signed by the Socialist Popular Alliance Party, the Democratic Workers’ Party, the Egyptian Social
Democratic Party, the Revolutionary Socialists, the Youth for Justice and Freedom movement, the Popular Committee to Defend
the Revolution, the Free Egyptian movement, the Revolutionary Lotus Coalition, the Democratic Front for Justice and Democracy,
and the Campaign to Support ElBaradei.
Yesterday, the Youth Revolution Coalition issued their own call for people to join the protests, for what has come to be
known as the “Friday of Defending the Revolution,” to demand that the ruling military council hand over power
to a civil authority by April. Meanwhile, on Thursday the April 6 Youth Movement issued a statement to confirm its participation
in the organised protest.
Both groups are demanding that the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) implements a law preventing former members
of Mubarak's National Democratic Party (NDP) from participating in Egypt’s political life. This, they insist, should
be done in time for the parliamentary elections due to start on 28 November.
As many as 300 former members have registered to run as candidates under the Horreya Party and Egyptian Citizen Party. Another
120 at least are running in Talaat El-Sadat’s National Egypt Party or as independents.
Created on 27 Oct. 2011 10:08:34 AM
Commitment means something must get done and one must get it done. It could be a word that one honors or a promise that
is made or a signed agreement to which one is bound. Even shaking the head or the hand could be an agreement to which one
is committed
Some people commit only to contracts executed in presence of lawyers! This is not right as when one commits to something,
he/she does so first in front of God and second before one's own conscience. For a person who is committed, everything he/she
says is respected. This person is trustworthy and makes others around feel comfortable.
Types of commitment:
1. Commitment to God: One is committed to God by obeying His commandments.
2. Commitment to others.
3. Commitment to yourself: One is committed to purify and cleanse his/her own soul and elevate
themselves spiritually day after day.
4. Commitment to the public sector: One is committed to follow rules and regulations. For
example, one cannot disobey the traffic laws and say I am free to do what I want. One cannot throw away a can of soda in the
street after drinking it. One must respect governmental rules and regulations.
One also needs to commit to values that are known by the society and the conscience.
Examples of values:
1. Value of purity: everyone is committed to be pure in his/her own life. A girl attracted
to a man may try to entice him by flirting and excuse her actions by saying "This is not a sin. In fact, this is something
needed by the society!" (H.H. sense of humor; she may play games with a man but not with God; you can not fool God) She should
walk in the path of purity with her talk, walk, smile and actions. She should not give him a sinful look or smile or try to
cast her nets to catch him! This way she avoids being committed to him emotionally and avoids getting hurt in the end.
2. Another value is honesty: For example; at work, one is to be professional and productive,
performing in a good and beneficial way, finishing whatever is expected of him in a timely manner. For example, if a contractor
does something and asks for a couple of month to finish the task and then another month and then another month, there is no
commitment here. Commitment should be in everything; quality, honesty, price and time.
One is also committed to success in his/her life. For example, a person who would rather watch a movie or a soccer game
rather than study or work hard hopes to succeed without doing his part! He who is commit to success in his life is careless
and not taking life seriously. People will have no respect for his word or time.
Commitment to God: Commitment in worshiping, prayers, fasting and tithing. Some say my income is not sufficient
to live on and tithe, but God replies: 9/10th with blessing is better than an entire salary with no blessings. What about
the firsts? In the past the firsts were the first born of the cattle or the first of the harvest. But now the firsts are the
first of the salary/wages, first promotion or first bonus. For teachers, the first private or touring lesson. For accountants,
the first account. For lawyers, the first case. For doctors, the first operation performed or the first case
seen. Firsts means the first of everything.
Those who dont stick to their commitments provide lots of arguments and excuses. For example, "There are some barriers
I could not avoid", "I am sorry I forgot", "I did not have enough time", "I could not afford it", "the circumstances did not
allow me to finish the task" and so on! The committed person overcomes any circumstances and barriers and does not allow them
to stand in his way.
Concerning excuses and arguments, one of the church fathers says, "The way to Hades is full of excuses and arguments." The
Lord says, "You are with no excuses mankind."
Try to find the source of excuses and arguments in your life and overcome them. Even in private life; one is committed
to take himself/herself forward, to the life of goodness and righteousness day after day. One should be committed to starting
the day with spiritual prayers and fasting and to also seal it at night with God.
One should commit to respecting others and not to overwork them for one's own convenience. Also, I say this
to those who stands in our weekly meeting, obscuring the view for others and not caring about them.
Everyone is responsible to have the spirit to overcome the flesh and it is a MUST.
One should also be committed to being exceptional at all time in one's life and to be an example to others.
What happens if one is not committed? He/She will be punished and will be under supervision, under monitoring and may even be
punished by the law! If one does not commit, he/she may be obligated to commit. And here it goes from commitment to
obligation which is not good. Being committed and doing right is better than society obligating one to do something against
one's will.
I hope you live your lives as an example to others in the world
Glory be to God, Amen.
Pope Shenouda III